1. Anjoo
    August 15, 12:05 Reply

    And Sahil’s character should be upgrade not like he is killing himself in drinking and being lost
    He should show his grief in some other way getting upset with bari am a not to talk to them taking some responsibilities his own
    Where is bhoomi
    And bari amma and puneesh should not constant win
    I hate puneesh wife she constant blame Vedika and her sister and forgive her husband puneesh
    Is she so disparate for sex
    And Deepak lives in her home he doesn’t do anything and constantly punish8ng gauri
    He is living in her house writer showed in agrwal’s House so weak, woman are so weak can defend themselves
    When bari amma truth cane vedika should leave yash because yash cannot throw agrwals from house SHAIL has some portion of it that truth should come out at tha5 time why vedika npmarry to yash
    So track is not right at al

  2. Sj
    August 15, 11:56 Reply

    Very wrong of writer to kill anjna’s character , writer should show that how strong anjna is and stood by herself for the right thing , she is such a nice lady ,there some of puneesh,s rime should be come upfront and how much puneesh and bari am a in involve at least some of it , writer is showing constantly evil is winning

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